ECKANKAR is ancient wisdom for today. Its teachings, which resurfaced in 1965, emphasize the value of personal experiences as the most natural way back to God.  Whatever your religious background, they show how to look and listen within yourself - to expand your consciousness and enjoy spiritual connectedness.  See for yourself - perhaps for the first time - how to lead a happy, balanced, and productive life. And put daily concerns into loving perspective.

Eckankar means "Co-worker with God."   It offers ways to explore your own unique and natural relationship with the Divine.  Learn More....

Have you had a Spiritual Experience?

The Spiritual Leader of Eckankar, Harold Klemp, gives inner guidance through dreams, Soul Travel, and the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. His inspiring talks and writings, and his practical approach to spirituality, help thousands of people worldwide find greater freedom, wisdom and love. His teachings uplift and help people recognize their own experiences with the Path of Spiritual Freedom.

For more information on spiritual experiences, select one of following subjects:  Past Lives, Dreams  and Soul Travel

Introductory Eckankar books
are available to the public for free.

You can call 1-800-LOVE-GOD (1-800-568-3463)
OR drop by your local ECK Center
to receive your copies.

Meet Harold Klemp
Spiritual Leader of ECKANKAR

Sing HU
It can change your life!

to this beautiful love song to God.

When you are looking to find God, you think, you plan, you look. First you think: What is my ideal?  Then you plan what you can do to get there. My suggestion is to Read an ECK book.

- Harold Klemp,
How the Inner Master Works,
Mahanta Transcripts, Book 12

The Temple of ECK  in Chanhassen, Minnesota, is the worldwide center for the teachings of The Path of Spiritual Freedom. Located at the heart of the Eckankar Spiritual Campus, it is a local community church and a Golden Wisdom Temple.

Seekers of truth come here for the spiritual study of past lives, dreams, and Soul Travel.

You have the potential for greater happiness, love, and understanding. Singing HU can bring these to you through the Path of Spiritual Freedom.

Throughout the ages, followers of many spiritual traditions have used prayer, the singing of holy words, and meditation to bring themselves closer to God. In the same way, those who have discovered HU, an ancient name for God, sing it for their spiritual upliftment.

Play video here  and discover how HU brings Miracles in Your Life!

Children have the wisdom of God and are closer to it than many people who have spent years in this world gaining all kinds of knowledge about the nature of religion. Children have it naturally.

- Harold Klemp, The Secret of Love,
Mahanta Transcripts, Book 14


For more information about ECKANKAR, The Path of Spiritual Freedom, call 1-800-LOVE-GOD (1-800-568-3463) or visit the main ECKANKAR website at 

The opinions expressed in this site are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp.

ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. This copyright applies to this home page and all other pages of this Web site. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL, and VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks of ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 USA.

Presented by the Nebraska Satsang Society, Inc.  A Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR